Yoga, Breathwork and Ayurveda for holistic health
Category Lifestyle, Self love, yoga
Your puzzle is yours

Woman, goddess, vessel of light – you don’t need a relationship to be whole. 

As a byproduct of the modern days fast dating world, we are taught that wholeness comes with finding your better half. 

Mainstream media teaches us, that as feminine women we need to find a masculine man in order to have a chance to live a fulfilled life. Together, we make one whole person. 

Looking at the overly romantic picture of Hollywood, we dedicate most of the younger years of our life’s to finding that missing piece in order to feel complete. Instead of focusing on growth, self-love, and expansion within, you constantly go external longing for the one match that will make us whole instead of focusing on wholeness as something we hold already but learn to suppress. 

Do you really need a “better half”?

When we find the so-called „better half“ that gives us what was missing, we unconsciously sacrifice a part of the self. As the feminine woman finds the masculine man, she’ll abandon her inner masculine that holds, sustains, and stabilizes her within because society teaches that all this, after all, is the man’s job in a relationship. She lets go of her greatest opportunity for growth and evolution whilst sitting back and letting herself be taken care of. Codependency on an emotional, financial and existential level happens and, who wonders, a deeper sense of non-completeness settles in. 

Surely, the feminine is much more receptive but girls, we live in the 21st century. You’ve got money, you’ve got visions, you’ve got power. Let him take you out, let him seduce you, let him court and protect you, but can you do the same for him? Showing him your desires and maybe, every once in a while, take him on a date. You’ll see him surrender to your feminine guidance led by your inner masculine and witness him tapping more into his emotionality because you’re simply creating the space for him to open up to you. 

What to do with this?

In order to create a healthy relationship, our inner energies of masculine and feminine first need to establish that healthy relationship within. 

Bringing together your inner queen and your inner king in sacred union is what makes you whole. 

Looking for someone else to do that for you, is a fruitless exercise. Not only you’re not taking full responsibility for your actions and emotional health, but you are also rejecting the true beauty of your very own whole existence. 

Your puzzle is yours
Trying to find the perfect match? Look within

Look at it that way: you have two pieces of the same puzzle within, waiting to be joined at an already existing matching point, forming a perfect shape with smooth edges. 

Trying to complete your inner puzzle with fragments from a whole different puzzle showing a whole different personality, simply doesn’t fit. 

Merging the smooth edges of two puzzles that are already complete creates a bigger, a greater picture – the framework of a healthy relationship. 

Not that we all have to figure it out completely before we relate to others but simple dedication to doing the work on either end helps to establish a healthy relationship with the self first. Investing heavily in relationships with others without doing the work of inner union will more be a comfortable attachment full of unexpressed desires than a passionate and thriving connection with another soul. 

You don’t need a relationship

You don’t have to wait for someone to make you whole. You’ve got all it takes. 

Claim YOUR power. Look at the bigger picture. Let go of codependency and expectations and first sit with what YOU need and how YOU can create that. 

Allow the greater union to take place from a space of self-empowerment, amplifying the fireworks of joy and pleasure into an orgasmic explosion of life energy. 

Love and light,



  • Katharina

    Katharina is a free-spirited Breathing-therapist, animal lover, Ayurvedic nutrition coach, writer, digital nomad, Yoga instructor, food addict and surfer with countless passions and dreams. Sun, salty hair and sandy feet shared with soul connections are her definition of happiness.

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[…] the previous article, I talked about how we are always taught to seek for union through the external. We are taught to […]

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