Yoga, Breathwork and Ayurveda for holistic health

I might change the title to searching presence. Lately, I’ve been a lot in my head spinning around money, success, relationships, my lifestyle, and my choices. Being triggered by an environment mainly based on looks and typical success stories that don’t leave much space for actual happiness created by ones true expression but contentment created by fulfilling society’s standards, I got off the track. I shifted into a mindest full of concerns and stopped FEELING my way into things. So this little article is actually, sorry to disappoint, mainly addressed to me. Hope you enjoy it anyway ☺️

As every day life is rushing by, there is barely any time to just simply enjoy the moment. Meditation is a tool that helps us to settle into the body and align mind activity with pure existence. 

Can you find 5 minutes a day to simply be?

Here is how you do it: 

Settle comfortably into your space, finding the breath as an elongation of your spinal alignment. 

Allow your presence to contain the space you occupy and let the entire content of the moment consume you. 

Can you just simply observe the flow of your breath?

Can you just simply observe the flow of your mind?

Can you just simply accept where you are right now?

Whats your meditation routine? 
