Yoga, Breathwork and Ayurveda for holistic health
women sitting on green grass field

There is no shortcut to happiness. That is what we are told by people around us, in contraction to what social media tells us: Buying this product, doing this coaching, investing in this new career and being body perfect are apparently all a shortcut to happiness. I can tell you right now: It goes a lot quicker and you need to invest 0 money to actually get there. Because I had a few people coming up to me after workshops and classes recently asking what this thing is I constantly keep referring to, I want to share my no. 1 way with you today.

The cosmic giggle, my absolute favorite shortcut (yes, there is more than 1) to pure joy infused to any present moment. I first came across this thing in a silent retreat, where the teachers’ approach touched me deeply. Giggle, he said in his Italian accent, create the feeling of coming home to your own heart, and when you get sad or angry, go there. Give yourself a cosmic giggle, and everything looks better straight away.

After a year of practice, I can say from the bottom of my soul with full conviction: Hell yeah! It does. If my mind slides into judgement, jealousy, comparison, procrastination or any other lower frequency, I give it a silent smile. ”Ooops, did it again“ with a smile is so much more gentle than a harsh „F*ck, I’m doing it again“. Pay particular attention to the tenses used in the two sentences. With the first statement, this state of mind is over. In the second statement, it leaves potential for the mind to continue.

A shortcut to happiness

With this cosmic smile, I open up a loving conversation, leaving whatever was behind. The positivity of this giggle lifts the heaviness, and in 8/10 cases I’m able to move on. With the other 2, it returns, and I know it’s something I need to look at. There are two explanations for this:

For the scientists: Your body constantly listens to what your mind is thinking. You don’t believe me? Listen to this (and to Dr. Joe Dispenza): 

With every thought, there is a biochemical reaction in your brain. Your brain reacts to any trigger, neurotransmitters get the brain to process information via different parts of the brain, coming to a logical (or not so logical) conclusion. 

Neuropeptides deliver this outcome from the brain to the nervous system into the body. The body reacts with hormonal secretion, creating a certain emotional state. This sends an immediate reaction back to the brain, the body shouting: ”Hey up there, we’re sad/happy/angry/aroused now, what’s next?“ The body FEELS what the brain is THINKING! 

You see what I mean? The practice of the cosmic giggle has the potential to disturb this cycle by changing the signal that gets sent back up to the main computer. Another shortcut to happiness, to bypass that brain body connection would be the breath, another tool accessible to anybody at any time.

For the spiritual ones: If you believe in vibration, it’s a pretty easy concept to grasp. Like attracts like. If you pull a face all the time, your dream partner, job and financial wealth will probably turn towards more friendly faces. You attract the vibration of what you put out there. 

Happy practice ❤️


  • Katharina

    Katharina is a free-spirited Breathing-therapist, animal lover, Ayurvedic nutrition coach, writer, digital nomad, Yoga instructor, food addict and surfer with countless passions and dreams. Sun, salty hair and sandy feet shared with soul connections are her definition of happiness.

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[…] to embrace the beauty and challenges of life with an open heart and mind. For me, there are several shortcuts to happiness and meditation is just one of many – but an effective […]

[…] Practice forgiveness meditation to let go of grudges and cultivate inner peace. Anger, hate and envy are normal for everybody. Not holding on to it and practicing that letting go in your meditations is another shortcut to happiness. […]

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