Do you know that there is nothing more empowering than celebrating other people’s success? Celebrating any achievement of anybody puts community over competition and creates a space of loving support, trust…
We’re all acting the best with the resources available to us at every moment. Your partner, your mother and your siblings always act with what’s available to them in the…
It’s only Me and I. In sweet, soft stillness in velvet, tender darkness we meet, caressing each other’s skin with gentle, timid strokes full of insecurities. Where are you?, asks…
We are the origin of life, closely connected to the source and the source itself. We carry the seeds of creating life, the physical ability, and mental strength to create…
Life is all about going on. Going on with your duty, missions, dreams. Going on with what you have to do and with what you want to do. Going on…
This part of my life is called: finding myself. I‘ve been preaching about society’s dysfunctional patterns for a long time now. Some of you know my hate speeches about the…
Where is it, the freedom that is held so high in nowadays world? Isn’t it an illusion, settling in the gaps between work and sleep, doesn’t it linger in between…
It is a fact that humans (and domesticated animals) are pretty much the only species suffering from chronic disease. Allergies, diabetes, sleep difficulties, constipation, skin reactions, depression, and even cancer…
Just recently, I got into a conversation with a woman, 40+, healing industry. We were chatting about God and the world when she asked me about the message I share…
In der ewigen Stille zwischen zwei unendlichen Atemzügen liegt eine Melodie. In dem süßen Moment zwischen Ein- und Ausatmen liegt ein leiser, kaum hörbarer Ton. In dem Augenblick, in dem…