Yoga, Breathwork and Ayurveda for holistic health
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Breathwork is a true game changer when it comes to your overall well-being. But it is not only breathing that boosts your health – there are 4 pillars of health you need to follow in order to live a balanced life mentally, physically and emotionally.

Before we dive into it, let’s just recap quickly on what we know about the disastrous effects of wrong breathing. Constant stress brings most adults to just use 1/3 of their whole lung capacity which leads to a lack of oxygen, bad posture because of no abdominal breathing, diabetes, chronic inflammations because of over-acidity and a constant trigger of the sympathetic nervous system that automatically switches on when you do chest breathing

This part of our nervous system is our fight and flight, so puts the body into constant tension and turns down all non-essential body functions like digestion, detoxification, immunity, sex drive and, most important, it limits our ability to FEEL. If that’s no reason to try it out, listen to this: 8 of 10 types of cancers are related to organs that get cut off optimum blood flow (oxygen supply) when the body is in constant stress. 

The breath is just one of 4 pillars of health, bringing you to ultimate joy of experiencing life. In western medicine, we tend to look at diseases from a point of treating the symptom, not the root. With following simple guidelines that target all areas of health, we bypass any root problem.

What are the 4 pillars of health?

  1. Nutrition – you are what you eat. Eating according to your Ayurvedic body type boosts not only your energy level, but also feeds your body according to its unique needs. This is not a diet, this is a lifestyle. The nice thing about Ayurveda? Nothing is taboo as it is about balance, not restrain. 
  2. Movement – quint essential to not only keep your body in balance, but also key for creating a stable foundation for a focused mind. As your body requires a unique way of nutrition, it requires a unique way of movement. 
  3. Meditation – mindfulness and self study is what brings you to get to know yourself. Start to observe and pay attention to your thoughts, patterns and traits. The better you know yourself, the more you will be able to overcome mental obstacles. 
  4. The breath – as the only part of the nervous system that runs automatically and voluntarily, the breath gives us access from body to mind and the other way around. The breath shows our emotional state. One who knows how to control the breath, controls his emotions. 

In order to achieve holistic health, we need to see body, mind and spirit as a whole. Targeting all four pillars of health, finding out what your personal needs are and identifying your negative beliefs that keep you from living your life to the fullest is what we will do in the wholistic health workshop/ retreat in Germany. As a passionate special, I am also organizing a tantric workshop about duality and polarity, my absolute favorite topic of all times. Those workshops will be taught in German, so here you go:

Upcoming workshops

  1. April Ganzheitliche Gesundheit: Ernährung, Bewegung, Meditation und Atem. 

Ein Tagesworkshop mit ayurvedischem Brunch, Dosha Bestimmung, Yoga, Atemarbeit und Meditation als Theorie und Praxis, die du ganz einfach in deinen Alltag mitnehmen kannst. 

  1. – 20. August Ganzheitliche Gesundheit: Das Retreat 

In eine zauberhaften Unterkunft in der fränkischen Schweiz begeben wir uns in 3 Tage extensive Erfahrung was es bedeutet, ganzheitliche Gesundheit auf deine persönliche Art und Weise zu leben. 

  1. April Polaritäten des Tantra 

Ein Tagesworkshop über die wahre Natur des Tantra: Dualität und Polarität. Mehr Akzeptanz und Gelassenheit im Leben und in der Liebe durch intensive Studie der eignen maskulinen und femininen Züge.

The 4 pillars of health and how you follow them determine your overall-wellbeing


  • Katharina

    Katharina is a free-spirited Breathing-therapist, animal lover, Ayurvedic nutrition coach, writer, digital nomad, Yoga instructor, food addict and surfer with countless passions and dreams. Sun, salty hair and sandy feet shared with soul connections are her definition of happiness.